Y el planeta se cubrió de una densidad absoluta, sofocante, sin espacios, sin lugar para los recuerdos, ni siquiera para detenerse a preguntar por ellos. Compacta en su concepción, había marcado a sus trillones de habitantes con una introspección signada de un profundo silencio, indispensable salvaguarda para poder sobrevivir en esta espesura. La gente no recorría ya su pasado, ni siquiera lo intentaba...
And the planet was covered with an absolute and suffocating density, no spaces, no place for memories, nor to think or reflect on those. Compact in design, the world had marked its many trillions of inhabitants with an introspection marked by a profound silence, essential safeguard to survive in this wilderness. People no longer went through their past, not even they were trying...
En este contexto fatal el tango casi había desaparecido.. iban ya varias centurias desde que la Orquesta Típica Misteriosa había iniciado la Última Época de Oro…. pero eso ya era cosa de un pasado muy lejano...
In this fatal context tango had almost disappeared... it have been already several centuries since The Mysterious Orchestra had begun the Last Golden Age... but that was a thing of a very distant past...
Solamente los iniciados y los sacerdotes que cuidaban las catacumbas al sur de las murallas de Mogador tenían conocimiento de esos extraños discos metálicos que contenían piezas de la ya olvidada música.
Only the initiated and the priests who guarded the catacombs south of the Mogador city walls were aware of those strange metallic disks containing parts of the long forgotten music.
Por una extraña razón, el tango únicamente era vivido y sentido por los habitantes del mundo subterráneo, ese inconmensurable grupo de olvidados que de noche pernoctaba en las profundidades y de día deambulaba por la calles sin rumbo fijo con los ojos perdidos en el lejano cielo ahora saturado de cyan, para luego en los atardeceres sulfurosos volver con sus harapos a los mismos socavones y encontrar en el tango el abrazo que la ciudad de metal les negaba…
For some strange reason, tango only was lived and felt by the inhabitants of the underworld, that immeasurable forgotten group that slept in the depths at night and on the days aimlessly roamed the streets with their eyes lost in the distant sky, now saturated of cyan; to then come back with their rags on the sulfurous sunsets to the same tunnels to find in tango the embrace that the city of metal denied to them…
Zigor, antiguo morador de la aldea de Ur, intuyó que esa noche sería diferente, simplemente lo supo luego de recorrer las 666 Torres Menores que se enquistaban como perlas en las largas murallas que protegían el viejo alcázar, para tener allí la revelación tan temida...
Zigor, the ancient inhabitant of the village of Ur, sensed that night that something would be different, simply he knew it after walking the 666 Minor Towers that are set like pearls into the long protecting walls of the old citadel, to have there the so feared revelation...
Enfiló entonces su camino hacia el encuentro de Neferet bajando las interminables escalinatas circulares del refugio como tantas otras noches, pero sabiendo que algo nuevo estaba por pasar. No podía ocultar su pesadumbre.
He then headed his way down the endless circular stairs of the refuge to meet Neferet like so many other nights, but knowing that something new was about to happen. He could not hide his grief.
Aunque casi nunca había cruzado palabra con ella, la conocía tan bien... porque como con tantos otros millones de enamorados, la telepatía era la moneda de cambio y el secreto y la introspección del tango lo que inundaba sus vidas subtérreas...
Although he almost never exchanged a word with her, knew her so well... because as so many other millions of lovers, telepathy was the currency of choice and the secrecy and introspection of tango what was flooding their underground lives..
Los ancestros de Neferet provenían de la desaparecida Buenos Aires, (vieja ciudad hoy inhallable en el parcialmente destruido continente Delle Terre Australe). Cuentan algunos que sus predecesores lograron cruzar a tiempo el Canal de Meloria, ese estrecho pasaje subterráneo que unía el devastado hemisferio sur con las inhóspitas planicies de El-Sáhara.
Neferet's ancestors came from the former Buenos Aires, (an old city that can not be found anymore in the partially destroyed Delle Terre Australe continent). Some people remember that her predecessors have managed to cross the Channel of Meloria, a narrow subterranean passage linking the devastated southern hemisphere with the inhospitable plains of El-Sahara.
Ellos tardaron 288 años y diez días en cruzarlo, trayendo entre sus bártulos el preciado último ejemplar del perdido Códice Del Tango, el mismo que celosamente los últimos bailarines porteños habían podido rescatar de la Hecatombe.
It took 288 years and ten days for them to cross the passage, bringing with their belongings the last issue of the precious Codex of Tango, the same as the last local dancers jealously recovered from The Hecatomb.
And how masterfully Neferet had learned to speak only with her senses and the erotic language of her body; she knew like no one how to transmit her soul into every tango to then slowly pour her feelings inside of the lucky mortal who was under her influx.
Ella aprendió ese arte de las féminas de su familia, que por generaciones y generaciones habían sabido transferir en forma oral y práctica los secretos del estilo que La Turca de Villa Urquiza (un exótico lugar del cual algunos dicen que nunca existió) le transfirió desde su lecho de moribunda a Pampita, la primera del clan en emprender ese largo viaje hacia las antípodas.
She learned that art from the gentlewoman of her family, who for generations had known how to transfer, orally and practically, the secrets of the style of La Turca of Villa Urquiza (an exotic place which some say it never existed) transferred from the dying bed to Pampita, the first of her clan to undertake the long journey to the antipodes.
Zigor se preparó, y entendió en el preciso instante en que sintió el abrazo suave y perturbador de Neferet que ese sería el último, y que su destino ya no estaría mas ligado al de ella… ya no podría contener más lo que había visto desde las Torres Menores…
Zigor prepared itself, and understood in the precise moment that he felt the soft and disturbing Neferet’s embrace that it would be the last one, and that his fate would no longer be linked to hers... he could not hold any longer what he saw from the Minor Towers...
Zigor prepared itself, and understood in the precise moment that he felt the soft and disturbing Neferet’s embrace that it would be the last one, and that his fate would no longer be linked to hers... he could not hold any longer what he saw from the Minor Towers...
El autoimpuesto silencio de la urbe se estaba empezando a romper, los acordes profundos de La Misteriosa empezaron a llenar el apabullante vacío y millones de parejas comenzaron a emerger sin descanso desde las oxidadas grietas subterráneas para llenar los conglomerados espacios con baile, amor, pasión y tango...
The self-imposed silence of the populated world-city was starting to end, deep chords of The Mysterious Orchestra began to fill the overwhelming void and millions of couples started to relentlessly emerge from the rusty underground cracks to fill the conglomerate spaces with dance, love, passion and tango…
The self-imposed silence of the populated world-city was starting to end, deep chords of The Mysterious Orchestra began to fill the overwhelming void and millions of couples started to relentlessly emerge from the rusty underground cracks to fill the conglomerate spaces with dance, love, passion and tango…
Las muchedumbres, despues de casi un milenio empezaron a mirarse a los ojos, a sentir el calor de sus entrañas, a recordar sus emociones en el mas interminable viaje introspectivo de una profunda memoria colectiva…
The crowds, after almost a millennium began to look into their eyes, to feel the warmth of its inner feelings, to start remembering their emotions in the most endless introspective journey of a deep collective memory...
The crowds, after almost a millennium began to look into their eyes, to feel the warmth of its inner feelings, to start remembering their emotions in the most endless introspective journey of a deep collective memory...
Las imágenes de Di Sarli, Troilo, Pugliese y tantos otros ahora llenaban el horizonte atraídos por las mentes de los humanos que nuevamente, y de la mano del tango, habían decidido volver a sentir..
Images of Di Sarli, Troilo, Pugliese and many others now filled the horizon attracted by the human minds, that with the hand of tango, have decided to feel again...
Images of Di Sarli, Troilo, Pugliese and many others now filled the horizon attracted by the human minds, that with the hand of tango, have decided to feel again...
Él presintió lo que venía, y sabiendo que ya no podía retener mas a Neferet en los sombríos e interminables corredores soterrados, sacó fuerzas de donde pudo y llevándola de la mano hacia los mugrientos grafittis callejeros de la superficie, la invitó al mejor tango de sus vidas... el primero al aire libre.
He sensed what was coming and knowing that he could no longer retain Neferet in the dark and endless underground corridors, drew strength from where he could and taking her to the filthy street graffiti of the surface, invited to her the best tango of their lives ... the first outdoor’s.
He sensed what was coming and knowing that he could no longer retain Neferet in the dark and endless underground corridors, drew strength from where he could and taking her to the filthy street graffiti of the surface, invited to her the best tango of their lives ... the first outdoor’s.
Y asi fue que Zigor dejó partir a Neferet, cobijada en tanta pasión y sabiendo que su ser sentiría por primera vez la tranquila placidez del sol filtrándose entre los tilos en la Avenida Triunvirato y también aquella cómplice mirada de La Turca cuando esa noche de milonga en el Sin Rumbo, Javier le confesó a Geraldine que se moría por ella...
And so it was that Zigor left Neferet depart, sheltered on so much passion and knowing that her soul will feel for the first time the quiet serenity of the sun filtering through the linden trees of Avenida Triunvirato and also understanding that accomplice look of La Turca when that night at the milonga Sin Rumbo, Javier confessed to Geraldine that he was dying of love for her...
And so it was that Zigor left Neferet depart, sheltered on so much passion and knowing that her soul will feel for the first time the quiet serenity of the sun filtering through the linden trees of Avenida Triunvirato and also understanding that accomplice look of La Turca when that night at the milonga Sin Rumbo, Javier confessed to Geraldine that he was dying of love for her...
Todo cerró y ahora tuvo sentido... él no intentó retenerla, ni tuvo angustia ni miedos... solo placidez al verla tan plena.
Everything made sense now... he did not try to keep her, nor he had anxiety or fears ... just placidity to see Neferet so full.
Everything made sense now... he did not try to keep her, nor he had anxiety or fears ... just placidity to see Neferet so full.
And that way the Third Tango Renaissance began, accompanied with a world that knowing that its hopes could be recovered, finally decided to be happy.
© Luigi Seta
Photo credits, taken from:
Tango Argentino * Urban Tango video
Director Juan Seabstián Torales
Photo credits, taken from:
Tango Argentino * Urban Tango video
Director Juan Seabstián Torales
Tango Argentino * Urban Tango - Duet 02
Bailarines Javier Antar y Fatma Oussaifi
Tango "Emancipación"
Color Tango Orchestra
Orquesta Típica Misteriosa Buenos Aires
(The Mysterious Orchestra)
(The Mysterious Orchestra)
Tango E.G.B. (Instrumental)
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Hermoso relato, Luis!
Me gustaron mucho su aire fantástico, y el valor que le das al tango, cuando, hacia el final, lo relacionás con la felicidad.
Bravo, Luis, quiero más historias!
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